August 29, 2012

Welcome to the new blog!

Hellllllloooo world!

So once again, after a few ideas/conversations/dreams and wanting to share those ideas with all of you, the new blog has begun! Maybe this time I'll keep up...and actually get a chance to involve Curt and share a variety of things with you readers!

Here are some of our "brainstorms"
-Restaurant blogging....aka taking pics of our food like normal, but doing so at certain restaurants then giving you readers our thoughts! ok who is all know some of our fave places already, and we update our facebook status saying we're there eating AGAIN. but maybe this will give you some suggestions as to what to try- and maybe inspire us to try new restaurants!!!

-Random stories/tips inspired from our jobs. Due to HIPAA policies, none of it will be too juicy, but hey-if we can help someone out, or make you smile, we will try!

-Wedding planning! aka where we are as we get closer to the big 4/27/2013!!!!

-Ok, that is as far as we got other than sharing pictures, recipes, the norm- but who knows what may come along? Movie suggestions/reviews? Travel tips or things we like to do in certain cities? stay tuned!

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