September 27, 2012

Baked Philly Chimis

This post has been a few days in the making.  I literally clicked "new post" 3 or 4 times, even left the post up thinking I'd get to it.  But you know me, I get distracted easily. Pinterest, facebook, tv...oh  my!  And a thing called work.

When was my last day off? Friday.  Last Friday, Curt and I both were scrolling through pinterest to find something to make for dinner- and I had suggested a Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers recipe I pinned awhile back.  Then he found something else philly cheesesteak, then he was like...what if we made them wraps? Like baked burritos or chimichangas or something? ding ding ding....winner winner chicken dinner (as Guy Fieri would say).  So I present to you...

Baked Philly Chimichangas

-large tortilla shells
-1 box Steakums (one of Curt's faves-find in the freezer section)
-1 onion (we used fave)
-1 green pepper
-Sliced provolone cheese (or cheese of your choice)
-any other toppings & seasonings you'd like!

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-Saute peppers & onions in a pan with some seasonings- Curt used pepper, garlic, & cayenne pepper
-Cut Steak-ums in strips
-Remove from pan, cook Steak-ums according to box
-Put Steak-ums, peppers & onions, & a couple cheese slices on a tortilla shell, & roll into a chimichanga
-Spray top of chimichanga with cooking spray (or melted butter), layer cheese slices on top
-Bake until cheese is melted & chimi is lightly browned
       (may broil for the last minute or two to really make it look yummy)

peppers & onions

Curt cut the steak-ums into strips

you can see the glisten from the oil/spray, layer cheese on top

Curt added shred cheese & tomatoes on top

post baking/broil

The inside yumminess

Curt's deluxe philly
When debating whether to really call these "chimichangas" or not, I decided to look up the definition of chimichanga.  Yes, this definition is from wikipedia, but according to a story of the origin, the word "chimichanga" loosely translates to "thingamajig" is Spanish.  So Baked Philly Thingamajigs it is :)

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